Generative AI for Complex Scenarios: Language Models are Sequence Processors
Bowen Zhou , Ning Ding ,

Large Language Models (LLMs), exemplified by GPT-4, have transcended traditional boundaries in language processing, demonstrating remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating nuanced text. Crucially, these models are pioneering a paradigm shift in Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications — from solving narrowly defined problems to navigating complex, real-world scenarios. Such a shift is based on a simple and fundamental principle: LLMs can process any data that can be serialized and tokenized, enabling them to engage in multifaceted reasoning and utilize diverse tools. This capability positions LLMs to operate effectively in broader, more intricate contexts, marking a leap in AI’s practical applicability and potential.

https://doi.org/10.1142/S2972335324010014 | Cited by: 0 (Source: Google Scholar)


Received - 2023-12-18
Accepted - 2024-01-03
Published - 2024-03-01


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